
No time to do anything anymore
All my time is consumed by the pain I feel
The stabbing feeling I get when I think of who you were to me
You were my friend
You were the only family I needed
But I don’t seem to be enough anymore
I don’t seem to mean enough anymore
You say we’ll be friends forever,
That I mean the most
But do I?
Secrets and false truths cloud your judgment
Tell her not me
Invite her not me
Talk to her not me
Because she is the one you have fun with
She’s the one who is better for you
Who cares about you,
But I thought I did too,
I guess not since you talk about me like I haven’t been there for you,
Like I’m the worst person in the world

The funny thing is you used to hate her,
You used to hate her because she hated me
And that was enough
But that’s gone now
Now she’s the funniest person in the world
She’s your best friend
But I’m still your best friend you tell me
If that’s so then why is she over at your house every weekend?
Why am I never invited anymore?
“Because I always hang out with you” is your excuse
But if she means more to you than I do then stop lying
Stop pretending that the words you spoke before are still true
Stop acting like I can’t handle the truth

‘Cause I’m all grown up
I know what pain feels like
I feel it everyday
Be the person you claim you are and tell me the truth
That you know we aren’t as close
But if you still think we’re just as close than you need to open your eyes
Actually see what you’re doing
I might act like I don’t mind
But it makes me angry
Makes me upset
Makes me wonder why I’m not good enough
Because I’m the same person
And the thing is I think you are too
But if that’s so then why don’t you want me anymore?