Would you care for some complimentary Love?

Ladies and Gentlemen;
We will begin take off shortly.
Exits are one way only,
And meals will be served at regular intervals.
Please refrain from wandering too far out of the cabin; you may not come back.
Hugs, kisses, love, and any form of tenderness are chargeable expenses.
We accept most major cards.

I listen as this blares above me.
The last time I flew, love was free.
My, how times have changed.

Miss? Can I use the washroom?
Miss? I am a little chilly.
Sir? Can I have a pillow?
Sir? What about…?

I am left ignored.
Will no one help me?
If you don’t, I’ll leave.
I swear I will.

The silence following my words bothers me.
I get up to leave.
Step onto the faded yellow carpet of the plane.
But where can I leave at 30 000 above?

The attendant runs towards me.
‘What are you doing? I’ll have to charge you for the excess cabin air you’re using.’

With that, I clasp the door handle and leap.

But I am not flying.
I am sitting.
On my bed.
Is love still free?

Not yours.

But yours is the one