A Little Girl

A newborn baby girl and her mother sitting in a hospital room,
The mother just kept whispering, “Daddy will be here soon.”
And if the baby girl had understood she would know that was a lie,
And that was then mommy decided to tell Daddy goodbye.
A little girl of two or three in a pretty little Christmas dress,
They were going to Grandma’s house so she had to look her best.
At Grandma’s there was presents and a tree to decorate,
A lot of little cousins who wanted to be her playmate.
But when all her new friends left and the fun and games were gone,
It was just her, Mommy, and Grandma in that house all alone.
Her Grandma kissed her goodnight and Mommy tucked her into bed,
And read her a story of a jolly old man with presents in his sled.
She told her to go to sleep and tomorrow there’d be a surprise,
“And not a moment before then had you better open your eyes”.
The little girl had just asleep when she heard someone shout,
Being a curious little girl she went to see what it was about.
She crept from her room and sat at the top of the stairs,
And down below Mommy and Grandma were trading angry words and glares.
She was confused and thought they may be fighting about her,
But then she got caught and was sent to bed with water.
A little girl at school of the age of seven,
All the other children were talking about this place that they called Heaven.
“What is Heaven?” She’d never heard that word before,
The other kids gave her a strange look and wouldn’t tell her more.
She went home from school and said, “Mommy, what is Heaven?”
“It’s were the angels live.” The little girl learned at the age of seven.
A little girl walking home from school in ripped jeans and a shirt,
She had become shy this year and kept her eyes on the dirt.
She passed a few kids in her class and they giggled as they stared,
It didn’t bother at all because she learned not to care,
Then one of them said in a loud whisper,” Her mom’s a whore.”
She wondered what they meant by that when she walked to her front door,
She decided to ask Mommy, she’d probably know,
“Mommy, are you a whore?” Her answer was a no.
And when the little girl left her room Mommy began to cry,
She couldn’t understand what she did wrong, she wanted to know why.
A girl sat alone on a swing, she’s not so little now,
She had taught them all long ago that she would never bow.
She’d fight them all if they talked about her mother,
She would fight to the death for her because all they had was each other.
A pretty young woman at her graduation, valedictorian of her class,
She grew from a tiny little seed to a healthy blade of grass.
She stares out at the crowd but her Mother isn’t’ there,
She wishes that this one moment that they could really share.
A middle-aged woman with two children by her side,
She was showing them the spot where there Grandmother had died.
Though contrite and respectful the children had heard people say,
That their grandmother was a whore and she’d get what she deserved someday.
But their mother told them to hush and don’t ever say that again,
She told them that their Grandmother was like all others, living in a sin.
And that’s the story of a whore’s little girl,
Who remained happy though she should have hate the world.
A little girl and her mother who loved each other no matter what,
Another door opened as the other ones shut.
A little girl and her love helped her mother survive,
She would be so proud, if she still alive.
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