Short Poems-2007 Collection

I hate these things pinned on my chest,
Hate that I don't even know me best.
Hate that hate is all I have felt.
And the universe is perverse in what Ive dwelt.


Practice Makes Perfect:
An abortion by the candlelight,
And all the angels stared.
A suicide by the motel,
And even Jesus wasn’t prepared.


Short & Sweet:
I miss those things we used to do,
I miss the things I did with you.
& I can't forget, nor i never will,
& in my dreams we're together still.


I'm watching you, watching you,
Some kind of morbid attraction.
You once said 'til death doth us part',
But in the end, it was just the start.


Fuck The Children:
I've spent long enough in this darkness,
The hate will recede into the light.
Ive had enough of that glorious feeling,
Of the Hate at First Sight.

So fuck the children,
of the night.
Fuck their hatred,
I'm gonna be alright.