Under The Covers

Under the covers,
Even when it's hotter then hell,
And my body feels as if it is melting away.

They are pulled up to my chin, covering every inch of my body.
Thick and furry, trapping heat, so it's like a sauna underneath.
The fan is off, but i'm too drained to get up and turn it on.

Under the covers,
My eyes closed tight,
And my cat laying by my side.

My throat is parched,
but she is so peaceful,
so content, that i could not bear to interrupt her dreams.

Under the covers,
It is Summer in the South,
And they really should be packed away for Winter.

The covers make me feel shielded and secure,
like they could protect me from harm,
even though they are flimsy and weak.

Sometimes, when i was younger, i even imagined that the covers would stop bullets,
The ones that could come from the Kidnappers who i saw on television,
and who i worried would try to take me away.

Under the covers,
I feel protected,
because sometimes, on a late dreary night, when all your fears seem to be chasing you,
all you need is to feel the comfort that the covers bring,
the heat is only a small price to pay.