lovers rescue

A boy so emptie, she could hear the ocean in his voice, when he pressed his lips to her porcelain ear, and tried not to br.ea.k her. But he was nothing, and nothing could never break something to aestheticallie everlasting.

A girl so fragile, he could feel the rhythem of the bass, through her glassie
afraid of crashing in, she attempted distance. But she was swimming safelie
his ocean voice, and to leave, was not a choice.

So they lived on, together, a paper thin island of her bones, in a vast sea of his hollow eyes. She used them as mirrors to strand shells in her hair, He used her blood for tears to cry, and to subside the pain in his cracking throat, but they never once wished for a boat, only a bottle to send a note, for a rescue they never wanted, and they said to each other, each time another storm blew in, You Are My Rescue, and they deeplie knew it. So one wrote in blood red letters, and threw the bottle into a sunset, as the orange hues got redder, and the other asked "are you done yet?"

But before long, on their island in the sea, they had nothing left to give but memories
And everyday they fell deeper into depression, because they had nothing worth the
Other's posession. They were miserable in their unselfish love, because, for the other
Nothing was ever good enough.
Untill finally one day, they saw a tidal wave headed their way, with barelie even time to pray, they both asked God for the other to be saved, in His heavenlie grace, and in each other's arms they stayed, as they both drowned and everything else was ripped

and the bottle, with the note, displayed:
You are my rescue
Since I first met you
You saved my fight to live
Now I would die, to have my life, to give.