Flashlight Eyes (Why'd You Stop Playing?)

Your flashlight eyes blink on and off
In and out of consciousness
Batteries running out
Can you remember falling?
Can you remember anything at all?

Eyes glazed, body twisted in so many ways
Sky and cherry lights take you in;
Hear the fading frantic tones
Underneath the spot you fell,
Police tape kept me from getting to it,
But it was a piece of you
A Monopoly game piece you carried around
Good luck, can I have a sarcastic laugh?

Not so lucky now.
Run through the yellow, black
Bumble bee plastic
Screams echoing across the road
Mine, what a surprise.
You fell, wings not ready to carry you.

Emergency room, too white for your taste.
They're losing you fast, scarlet tainting the floor
Doctors trying to make your heart jump
It's just not possible.

Your flashlight eyes fluttering closed.
Slowly leaving the world around you
The one you wanted to explore but never got to.
You remember the failed flight;
You remember the love of your life
Every memory rushing forward,
A quick hug then a goodbye,

Heartbeat slowing down
Machines screaming at doctors
Oh darling, I'm losing it
Losing you
Eyes slipping closed, blinds on an abandoned house
You couldn't fly
Why did you try?

Just close your eyes.