3- Chambered Heart

My Heart rate slows,
And I collapse to the ground
In a way, I welcome death
For it means no more fighting
But as I lie motionless,
Time passing by
I look to the past,
At what I once had
The Good Times
The Bad Times
They’re all better then the present
For now that you’re gone
My Heart rate plummets
You’ve taken a chamber
A chamber of my God-Given heart
And Forever, I realize
Forever you’ll have it
And so, I conclude
As I still lie motionless
Life moves on-
And so should I
So I stand right up,
And I walk right away
For now, I’ll make due
With a 3-chambered Heart
♠ ♠ ♠
One of my more recent poems. I don't have my others with me right now, so you all will have to make due with this one. That is, if you're interested.