Good Night To Day

Out on the street the vampire walked.
The woman saw and fallowed.
He turned with a smirk and held out his hand.
Seduction was thy name.
She trembled as she touched his pale white flesh.
He smiled and drew her close.
She whispered her fears as he kissed her neck.
Then they did their dance.
Against the wall she stood in shock.
The vampire held her hands.
Captivated she dared not move.
'Twas then she felt her pain.
A calming rhyme on pulse and lust.
But soon she was falling into his hands.
He gave her his wrist which was accepted with rapture.
To spend the night that thrust into eternity.
The love, the despair, the burning desire.
So sad that she couldn't die.
She lived and lived and lost and was broken.
And then her life was not worth living.
But still she had to continue on.