The love you never understood

'Cause I choose you
And I thought that our love was true
As you where my lover,
I learned with you that in love people do suffer

You came out of the blue
You showed me that everything was true
You helped me through my good times and bad
You were there through the happy moments and the sad

I used to follow your steps
Hear every word that comes out from your cheery lips
You showed me the path to my dreams
And how to fight away my fears

But later I realized that everything was fake
I could feel deep inside my heart that ache,
You used me to reach high
Was it that easy for you to say goodbye?

'Cause you've always lied
You tried too hard to hide
All the wrong feelings
And should all the wrong meanings

And as your love was fake
So all I had to do, was brake,
The promise I kept
And let go all the feelings I felt

Of the love you never understood
Your heart was just like a piece of wood
So hard so rough
Never felt pain, you're so tough

The day I wake up
And I realized we're done
No more joy, no more having fun
I had to leave I had to run

You were the strength I had
You were the power that made me believe
That everything is going to be alright
No needing to worry,

Maybe 'cause it was you who did fight my fears away
You showed me the way,
Or maybe 'cause I was blind
Maybe believing in you

You broke my hearts into pieces
Leaving me to bleed for long
I lost strength,
I tried so hard to be strong

Was it that easy for you?
Did you plan for that day?
Where you will wake up,
And suddenly walk away

Giving me no sign
You almost blow up my mind
Trying to find an answer for you leaving
For me believing in you, wishing that everything wasn’t true

'Cause I believed in true love
I wanted to stay
But I couldn’t find another way
Except to go away

'Cause you where never there
When I screamed your name
I loved you from deep inside
I swear

Later I walked alone
I wouldn’t find my way
Maybe 'cause you weren’t there
To walk through the tough times I had

Days went on and on
All I knew that you were gone
It didn’t bother me much
'Cause later I understood, that it wasn’t true
you aren’t the one, it was never you

And 'cause you're now gone
Here's my best wishes I send
Goodbye my first love
It was the love you never understood