Angel Killer

She was lost and looking for something
all thats left of her soon will be nothing
her inoscence drew him closer
she didnt realize he was just a poser
his charm and eyes made her heart melt
she thought she knew how he felt
he left her stranded without a sound
i guess he didnt realize who he found
a angel they would always call her
but she was a mess they couldnt cure
she fell into the darkest night
the angel killer didnt even have to right
falling for him was easy and true
but he wanted to kill her, what else is new
angel killer why did you do this
now just stains upon her wrists
she was gorgeous and sweet
and not yours to defeat
oh angel killer tell us why
you broke her wings so she cant fly
yet she still loves her killer
even though she is dead he can feel her
she is his perfect angel forever
but he couldnt stand to be together
♠ ♠ ♠
plz comment i really love to get feedback and it would really help me alot :D thank you