I Told You So

holding on the a memory,
that you left behind in the early days of winter,
when your bright blue eyes looked at me in the dark,
and i could see your soul shaking under your skin,
as scared as you were you went in,
you leaned you face towards mine,
and tightened your grip on my shoulder,
your lips finally touched mine,
as images rushes across a screen,
a typical girl and a typical boy,
kissing in the typical place,
but something about you was not typical at all,
something about you made me think,
made me think that you were going to be around for a while,
and maybe a while would turn into forever,
when i remember that movie theater,
i know exactly were we sat,
and exactly when you made your move,
i know exactly how fast your heart was beating,
i remember everything about that single moment,
and i'm holding on to that memory,
until you come home,
which you may never do.

but i'll hold on until you return,
so that maybe we can remake our past,
and relive that moment,
that moment when everything was perfect,
and i knew what i wanted,
i knew what happiness was,
when i knew how much i loved your beautiful soul,
how much i wanted nothing more,
than to be jazmine sky breen coburn.

when that day comes,
although it may never appear,
i will smille,
and let go of my memory,
let it fly with the wind,
and be carried into the clouds,
were it will be held safe,
until i need it once more,
to keep my eyes clear or tears,
and my wrists clear of blood.

this day may never come,
but if it does,
i will smile,
and say " i told you so"