
A fake plastic smile can be worn well,
Though behind it are words never to tell.
The outer exterior always seems to be so nice,
But covering the inner venom has taken its price.
Her closest friends always take the heat,
Then they put on a guise and act so sweet.
A pretty face is all it takes,
The guys always flock to the flakes.
They are living, walking, talking Barbie dolls,
Eventually their life will take a hard fall.
It’s the girls who aren’t popular who are pretty,
They are the ones with the smarts—they are witty.
These types of girls will give and give,
But rarely do people notice they live.
They have beauty deep within,
And as roses have thorns they will always win.

Aug. 19, 2009
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At one point or another a girl will always wonder why SHE can't get that guy who she likes... and why can't she? It's because guys seem to have a knack for picking the girls who are beautiful on the outside but awful on the inside. Meanwhile there are many more girls who are only slightly less beautiful, but who's inner beauty shines.