I never meant to break your heart

I never meant to break your heart.
One day we were laughing and then the next our hearts are filled with sorrow.
There’s no point trying to hide it, I mistreated you and you deserved better.
Every time you look at me now pain and sorrow are reflected in your eyes.
The day I first met you I thought you were the one who could cure me from my disease of pushing people away.
You made my heart feel lighter and we laughed at each other’s jokes.
Then the nightmare set in.
You got too close to me one day and I ended up lashing out like a bloodthirsty shark at you.
You refused to run away like the others before you did.
I was shocked at first and let you in.
You stood there listening to everything I said a kind intent in your eyes.
A few weeks later you got too close to me and the same thing happened, I let my anger control me and ended up hurting you.
Blood ran down your cheek and you were crying.
You left me then and never came back.
Every time I see you I feel my heart swell and think about what I lost.