What Do You Do?

What do you do
When you're running from you
And What do you say
To try to make it okay
I know that i'm in pain
And I'm paying for what I've done
I don't know what I've become
'Cuause in the mirror what I see
I know that it's not me
And i'm crying on the inside
Where i know I can hide
From the world of pain and hate
I can no longer concentrate
Everyone tells me to be me
But why can;t they see
I don't know who that's supposed to be
What is it that the want of me
I mean i try to seem strong
But I've known all along
I'm destined for a greatness I'm unsure of
If I find it in me I'll be surounded by love
Because I know I can rise above
All this madness and this chaos
And all this wrong
Because it's m soul's sacred song
Now I've got to push on
For my deeligs are strong
And I know I'll make it through this storm
'Cause I'll no longer let myself be torn.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if you think this is bad, but I'm kind of just putting a few things from my journal up, so once agang please go kinda easy on me with this one.