High heels

Baby girl; don't be so concieted
You'll never reach your plastic goals
don't wear those heels so high
it just hurts that much harder
when they push you down

So here's the chorus
as the gun goes boom boom
you lost your style
the swagger is gone
Welcome to reality

i'm not nice I know
get over it little dreamer
Let me welcome you to our personal reality check
Dahling, we're gunna crush you soo hard.

giving yourself out
For a silly dream that will never come true
little slut; your heels are black.
You change your mind like your underwear
this world; you will not survive in

Sorry kid your shit is old
And your crap doesn't smell like roses
this is the world we all call real
give it up; this is my kingdom
the throne is mine.

Here comes the chorus again
as the gun goes boom bom
you lost your style
the swagger is gone
welcome to reality as your head hits the floor

Are you interested in a tour
strollin around in those high heels
Everyone hopes you fall
Your ego is as clear as your heels
Just give it up.
you're falling down NOOOW.

Congrats! you got your wish little dreamer
Everyone is watching you
Sorry it's not out of admiration
You pain only humors them

so are you ready to let your hair down
throw those heels away
they only hurt you more and more and more
But that's okay

Cause kid we love watching you fall

The chorus rolls around again
the gun goes boom boom as you fall
ever hit hurts harder and harder
we love watching your head hit the floor

Raised intentions alil too high,
take off the heels
the just make you fall harder from higher ground
let go of those dream girls.
Welcome to This reality of my own.