Devin Sean Avilla

Devin Sean Avilla,
the worlds biggest creep,
go drown in a fire,
so I may finally sleep.

You've ruined my life before,
you've knocked me out cold,
You've used me in disgusting ways,
that will never be told.

Devin said he loved me,
believed that he was Lucifer's son,
he's threatened me and my friends,
he's bluffed with a gun.

Devin Sean Avilla,
the world's sickest poser,
you just sat on me and ranted,
like a pop can on a coaster,
Using me as a scapegoat,
so you didn't ruin the table,
and your fake filthy tears,
soaked me until I was nearly unstable.

Your lies were dark,
Your lies made me cry,
Your lies made me brainwashed,
They made me float to the sky.

I thought you were my life,
I thought I was yours,
But in the end,
I was only one of your chores;

To get what you wanted,
To use me as a hoe,
But when you didn't get what you asked for,
You walked away slow;

Still shouting cruel words,
without a glance back,
Left me alone in the dust,
and lying on my back.

Shaking and sobbing,
Waiting to die,
as the truth finally hit me,
You are utterly a lie.

From head to toe,
you have no soul,
only thirst for attention,
and the hollowness of a pole.

You are empty,
and heartless,
Zany and insane,
I would love to personally kill you,
and watch you suffer in pain.

The same pain that you put me through,
in these past two years.

Devin Sean Avilla,
my "friend",
my "soul mate",
my "partner in crime",
I hope you know how much I hate you,
after reading this rhyme.

So pray that you never cross my path,
or you will suffer the most demonic of consequences;
Screaming and bleeding,
from my unforgettable wrath.

Devin Sean Avilla,
I will see you in Hell,
Laughing me head off,
with a knife in my hand,
sauntering towards you;
it deserves you well.

Devin Sean Avilla,
the world's biggest creep,
go drown in a fire,
so I may finally sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is long, but felt so good to write. I will never forget this nasty boy, and I'm scarred for life. I hope you're happy, Devin.