I Miss Him

I broke up with him,
And I heard my heart shatter.
I cried that night,
When he said it didn’t matter.
He acted like he was fine,
That it was all no big deal,
I hated that he didn’t care,
I just wish he told me how it made him feel.
I ended it with my own choice,
But I miss calling him mine,
I miss telling people I’m taken.
I miss watching him shine,
Every time his eyes caught mine.
My friends told me he loved me,
That he truly did care,
What we had was special,
But it felt like nothing was there.
I still miss hiding behind him,
And running away.
Him tickling me,
And everything he used to say.
I miss hugging him,
And him whispering in my ear,
I lost him with my choice,
But losing him was my only fear.

I miss his smile,
I miss that ‘look’ he gave me,
That showed he loved me more than anything in the world,
I miss smiling at him in the halls,
I miss just stopping to say hi,
I miss screaming his name when I saw him,
I miss the looks the teachers gave us when they saw us together,
I miss people teasing me about him,
I miss saying we’ll be together forever,
I miss going gaga over stupid things he said,
I miss HIM.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think? Please if you read it comment! I really wanna know because I wanted to show my best friends and see what they thought but I don't want to if it's stupid...

Plus I maybe wanna give it to someone just to see what they say...? So tell me if it's good! BE HONEST!!!