
When you really want to know something, sometimes you just have to dig a little deeper...
Don't give up when things aren't going your way...
You have to overcome the mountains that lie in your way...
Face your fears...
Take a chance....
Roll the die...
Face it head on...
In the end it's worth the entire wait...
Life is based on climbing and falling, sometimes to the highest points and sometimes to the lowest...
But if you spread out your wings, you'll always come out in flying colours...
Value the small gifts that lie in your path...
Scoop them up with an open hand...
And soul ...
For you shall be rewarded with more treasures...
Some may come right away...
Some may come in a day...
A month...
Or a year...
But it shall come...
♠ ♠ ♠
This was writtin for a Lanuage project a few year back, as you can tell I'm not a poet, but this poem...I don't know somethin just, 'sparks'