
Dear Heart-breaker,

Do you remember, when you weren't so mean?
When you used to hold,
Used to kiss me?
When you would tell me every night as I dozed off in bed
That you loved me with all your heart
Not a worry in your head?

Dearest One,

Can you tell me all of this wasn't a game?
A year in two months, the whole time I've been played...
I loved you for four,
You took me for a ride
I can not escape no matter how hard I try.

Dear You,

I remember sitting under that tree
Listening to your voice swirl all around me,
Knowing my name coming from your lips meant so much more
Than even that almost-kiss.

Dear Love,

I wish we'd never met, though I know nothing would be the same.
The day after my birthday I'd thought I'd ended this game
And endless struggle tug-of-war style
But no,
Of course not,
You had it all planned out.

Dear Liar,

You cut two deep gashes in your wrist because of me
But those scars reached farther than you could believe.
It was all a lie, your the the devil
In an angel's disguise.

Dear Songwriter,

Do you remember my birthday present?
That song you'd never sing?
Do you remember all your promises you would whisper to me?

Dear My Regret,

I saw today that you had written a song for your new girl. The third since me, am I not mistaken? Well when I saw this, I cried, sick of this god forsaken ... love.

Dear Heart,

Please understand
Please don't hate,
Please don't yell or scream
This was the only fate I know

I love you.