
The moonlight.
Shining on the dull, cold night
Sorrowfully keeping vigil
It hates being ALONE
It hates keeping VIGIL
The moonlight is lonely.
With only the shrubbery
And the laurel
For company
The stars try to comfort it
But it just shoos them away viciously
When the sun comes up,
It's glad to disappear
Into the galaxy,
With the other moons.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, like I said. My english teacher made us pick words out of the dictionary and use them in a poem. I dont remember what the words were... Well Some were : Vigil, shrubbery, laurel, viciously, sorrowfully...
That's it. But little did I know my poem would be put in the schools literary magazine! :D

~~ Semirah Nixon <3