What Is The Point To Try ( Roller Coaster Theme)

What a roller coaster life is...
All the ups and downs...
Twists and turns...
Oh, how the momentum increases...
Pushing you down till you're at the bar...
You struggle to sit back up...
But the g-force is too strong...
You're stuck on the bar...
With no strength to sit upright again...
You look up and you see a flip...
The chance to feel good and stand upright again...
It has finally come...
You hit the flip and you smile...
Oh, the funny feeling of butterflies in your belly...
But then right back down...
The power is too strong once again...
You are pushed right back down...
But it's different this time...
The pain is too much...
The cracking and snapping of bones in your body...
The blood pulsing and your heart...
Beating like a locomotive...
It's slowing down...
Too much pain to deal with...
You feel it is time to stop but you can't...
You have to stop the speeding rollercoaster...
Until you finally see the end to your pain...
The emergency stop button...
Reaching... It's in your reach but the pain is stinging...
Finally, *click* you press it down with all your might...
The roller coaster... It finally slows down...
The pain is gone...
Only blur in your eyes...
You see it was stupid of you to take the chance...
and ride it in the first place...
It is finally over...