
I hate the way that you cry,
Because you feel you don’t belong.
I flinch at the sight of your scars on your wrists,
That make you feel less alone.

I hate the way you take those pills,
That help you ease your pain.
I hate the way they make you act,
Psycho, suicidal, not quite sane.

I hate the way you stare at the scars,
And the tears begin to fall.
You can’t seem to see any of my efforts,
Can you even see at all?

I hate the way you screw your life up,
And I hate how much I care.
Why should I even think about you,
When you wish you weren’t even there?

I hate the way I can’t do a thing,
As you throw your life away.
I hope you know I would fight,
Just to have you stay.

I hate the way I watch the mirror,
And my own tears I see I cry.
How can your really help someone,
Who truly wants to die?

I hate the way you treat yourself,
And the way I miss your smile.
To put a little light in you eyes,
Will make it worth my while.

I hate the way even as I try,
That I can never truly seem to hate you.
I just hate the opinions you make,
And the stupid things you do.

I hate the way I miss the REAL you,
The one I used to know.
The one who made me laugh and smile,
I’m sorry you had to go.

I hate the way I still love you,
Even though you wont let me near.
I just want to let you know,
That is still wish you were here.

And even though you’ve gone away,
The memories that we made.
Still linger in the back of my mind,
And will not let you fade.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments and Messages appreciated!-Savannah