Carry a knife, it won't do you any good.

You're not alone as the fear begins to grow,
You're not alone when you feel it creeping up your back.
Carry a knife and do your very best,
but the moment he finds you you'll end up dead.

Better yet he'll leave you in agony,
to live in fear of his return.
He'll take you how, and when he wants to.
He has no heart, men like him never do.

He'll get you when you're young,
he'll make you bleed, and cry and throw up sick.
Maybe if he's lucky he'll get to find you again,
and have his way furthering your fear.

You're fear will encase you,
you'll live with it and it'll be your life.
Just keep breathing,
yeah what'll that do?

Every moment was suppressed,
only to be awoken by a dream.
The fear once gone has come back to haunt you,
to control you're every last move.