
we love u so much. You have a special touch.
You know when we're mad or sad,or even when we're glad.
You take care of us.You try an make sure we dont miss the bus,or start to cuss. You hate it when we fuss.

You hate it when we fight,or bite,but you love it when we write.
You love red hot chili peppers the band. You would love it if you owned your own land.
Somethings have gone wrong,but be strong.
We may not have that much luck,and it may suck.

But if we stick together,we'll make it though this weather.
we'll be like a solid rock,and they'll be the stinky sock.
we love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is just something I wrote for my mom on mothers day.I know its not the best,but isnt it the thought that counts?