
I Count my steps in two,
Just to remind myself,
That not everybody is like you,
Because, I’m different,
Everyone’s different,
Everyone but you.

You fit a mould,
A manufactured shape,
A specific cast,
Like animals in the zoo,
You’re fake just to fit in,
I would hate to be you.

I smile everyday,
The little things, they make me,
This smile can mask my feelings,
I wear them in my heart,
Covered, unlike you
Prancing about for attention,
Like all the drama queens do.

You treat people like shit,
You care about no-one
No-one but you,
All for one and one for none,
That philosophy will do,
Hopefully people will soon tell.

I am never going to like you,
You’ve had your chance,
More than the one too,
So what I’m saying now,
Is leave, get out,
Right now, it’s over, done

You mean nothing,
Nothing at all
There’s absolutely nothing special
About being you
There never was, and never will be,
No, not to me.