Happy ***ing Fathers Day

Happy Father's Day to somebody that hurts me so.
Much more than he'll ever even know.
To the man who's to blame, for the blood on my hands.
The one that only acts, like he actually understands.
The man that's lost his daughter, that he never even wanted to see.
Happy Father's Day, to the man that made me into me.
The one that broke me, time and time again.
The one that will always be my father, and unfortunately always has been.
The man with the same blood, that runs through me on the inside.
Here's a Happy fucking Father's Day, to the reason I think suicide.
The reason I have nightmares, the reason I cry every single day.
Here's to you, the father I love anyway.
Through the hurt and the pain, through the time of you not knowing what to do.
Happy fucking Father's Day, I wish I didn't love you.