She Still Loves You... Its Obvious

A smile of happiness, her false reality.
Shrugs off the hurt, says "It doesn't matter to me."
But you can see it in her eyes, she's lost beyond repair.
And to herself she whispers, "Why do I still care?"
And I want so bad, to tell her she still loves that boy.
But she already knows it, the questions are just a decoy.
She smiles for me, but she doesn't have to.
Because right before she falls asleep, she whispers "I love you."
And I know it wasn't meant for me, but somebody too far away.
Somebody that she still wishes, was really hers to stay.
But when she wakes up she denies it, says she never said a word.
And I just nod, even though I know what I saw and heard.
I saw the tears and I heard the whisper of love and hurt.
And really, that's what bothers me the worst.
Knowing she loves you, and she won't quit.
Knowing you're still her world, but it's something she won't admit.
I keep thinking maybe if she told the truth, I could help her out.
But she just keeps lying, and thinking I don't know what I'm talking about.
So I'm watching her sink, lower and lower into her pit of lies.
Watching her try to hide, the pain that hasn't left her pretty blue eyes.
Since the day she realized, you weren't hers anymore.
I'm trying to get through to her, but it's worse than ever before.
No matter what I do, no matter how tight I try to hold her.
She still flinches away, and thinks I don't hear her whisper.
That it's not me that should be holding her, it's him that should be near.
And she thinks I don't see it, the way she blames only herself for why he'll never be here.