The Greatest Dog Who Ever Lived

Were you a dog
Or were you a person?
You were so many things
A brother
A mentor
A gentleman
A family member
And most important of all
A friend
You were the oldest person I ever knew
Seventy years old
In dog years at least
You were grand and wise
Even if you had a fondness for
Eating mud pies
Chasing your own tail
And failing to catch a snowball
You'd give me a certain look
Whenever I threw the tennis ball over the fence
It always asked 'And why'd you do that?;
But still you asked me to toss another
This time, just toss it lower
There was a day you didn't dare look at us
For leaving you in a hot crate in a dark place for too many hours
We didn't want you there
But you were far too heavy to be on the plane with us
We're still sorry about that
And feel sad when we think about how you hated us for the whole day
I hope you know just how much we still love and miss you
Everyone we've told about you
Knows you as
The Greatest Dog Who Ever Lived