
The night is over
I see it, see you, waiting for me
It’s brighter now – how?
Just how did it happen?
You called out to me,
Let me see what part of me
Every day I see you
Hear you
Knew you
Knew that you were doing the same for me
Why didn’t I see it before?
Your beautiful eyes that bore into my soul almost everyday?
Every way, every path, every road, I’ve been trying to walk
With no other to call my own, no other to share the joy and the pain with
Up until now, but still, just…how?
What did you see in me that I can’t find?
Am I just blind?
Blind from my own ambitions, my dreams that seemed so distant until now?
Now that I can reach out to the stars and grab them, hold them, hold you
I’m sorry it took so long for me to find you
I’m sorry it was so long, so wrong
Now…something IS wrong
My song, the one I was singing alone
You joined in with me
I see
It wasn’t wrong, it was right all along
Right under my nose – why didn’t I see it?
It was too hard for me, too hard to be strong for once in my life
But I did it for me and for you – for us
And look at us now
It seems like a dream but its not
We’re happy, you’re happy, I’m happy
I’m grand
With your hand in mine and your head on my shoulder
And your smile
Took a while, but it was worth it
To share our music, our passions, our hopes and dreams
Seems…just…so unreal
And why is it that I just hang on every word you say?
What the hell kind of money did I pay in some different life to deserve this, you?
You just want to hold on to me forever
And I want to hold you too
Just let all of this shit pass us by
Why can’t we do that?
Just sit in these peaceful waters
Let our feet dip in
Let my lips lock together with yours
Why can’t we do that?
And just let our hearts get away from here, all we hold dear
Save for each other
But the world doesn’t want that, doesn’t want what we want
We have to fight for it, we have to fight
Just to see that light again
So just take my hand, I promise I won’t let go
Why would I when I just found you?
And you found me too
Hold your breath, take up your sword with me
See what we can conquer
See me seeing nothing and no one but you
Like I used to, when I still dwelled on earth
And you among the stars
You’re not so far away anymore
You’re here – with me, and I can finally see what part of me was…missing
It was you, you who saved me
Your eyes, your smile, your voice
Your light
Our light