Places (My Sun)

My mind’s in other places
It’s wandering in high spaces
Filled to the brim with dust and air
Empty of life, void of care

I’m falling again, I’m short of breathing
My heart is failing, I’m full of grieving
So deceiving, so unmerciful
This shade of grey that’s in my way
Blocking hope and all the sun’s rays
Standing guard over this dominion of hell
That is my life, my prison cell
My sentence, my payment for all I’ve done
My judgment, hiatus from the sun

Oh sun, my sun, what have I done
To scare you off, to make you run?
How foolish I am, indiscreet, so base
Yet the poison I spawn is acidic to taste

No place is safe
No place, no place

From I, the Killer of Stars

Destroyer of Dreams

Murderer of Suns

My sun, my sun, what have I done?
I’ve killed my sun with my own foolish taste

No place is safe
No place, no place