My Gentle Swan

As my swan so graceful embraces the incoming tide
Her feather’s soft, and white as winter’s first snow
To stay like this in this escape, but from time and can not hide
So it is not to be, adieu to you for now I must go

“Go not; don’t leave, to this I must say no”
“Eventually I must go, just as the sun leaves the sky”
“Please stay with me, if not for any reason than I asked you so”
“I’d tell you I will stay for every but to you I can not lie”

“Leave me not, alone in night, for it’s your side I will stay by”
“But I must go I can not stay time’s as fleeting as the night”
“I’ll stay also; you know not the tears I cry”
“I would not ask you to stay, you must take to flight”

How short a time with us night’s blanket of coverage will stay
Hold still your tongue, for in the end by my swan in sleep I lay