You are a Wound Upon my Side

An open wound upon my side for anyone to see
Your treacherous hate that marks my skin
Not from something I’ll do, but from where in fact I’ve been
A way for you to say goodbye, a wound from you to me

I’ve spilt much tears and blood for you, but in the end you flee
You said it was a “a little break”, you put on your own spin
And then you put that mark on me that never should have been
I would have stayed but you said go, it wasn’t meant to be

These crimson tears that flow from me, mean more than you will know
They tell of how you ran from me, and from this pain you caused
And now I know that all you said was never truth but lies

These tears are all that’s left of me, I feel the last one flow
My time is up, your wound is deep, there’s nothing left but loss
It all is gone, and I’m alone, but in the end I tried