Your Love is the Sun

“I miss him; I miss him like the sun misses the flower”
In the depths of winter, as he gazes down from the sky
But his apprehension is in vain, no flower, but does a blanket of snow lie
He tries to bring his flower back, but it’s not within his power

So he is forced to go through winter alone without his beloved flower
He burns bright and warm to bring on spring for this he’ll always try
But when spring doth come she’s on the ground and he is in the sky
He longs to be with her but the sky is vast and keeps him from his flower

“I miss him but everywhere I look he’s there
I feel him here but still it’s no where”

Winter’s chill can not kill my love
For the sun has seen and the sun has known
So his warmth is sent from above
And now I have a flower all my own