Should I have let you Stay?

I went walking to immerse myself in silence
But what I found amongst myself was not what I expected
There was the sound of a broken heart filling the air with sadness
Also drifting to my ears there came a raging madness

I felt it seeping through my veins destroying all my sense
I felt it as it controlled my brain which made me rather tense
My attempts to control this feeling and have it go away
Made it clutch and cling to me (which meant it made it stay)

As I walked I pondered this, only wanting peace
When I realized what caused this thing, it brought me to my knees
I knew it was you, or the lack there of that now I can’t control
Your leaving me all alone caused this disruption in my soul

When you left you broke my heart creating all that sadness
You left me angry and you left me tainted stirring up the madness
I wanted you to leave, I told you to get out
But ever since you left me lonely I’ve been consumed with doubt