The Love I Feel Can't Be Contained

with out him I die inside, without him I can't keep going knowing he won't be there to catch me when I fall.

As I watched him walk away the problems of this world never seemed so unimportant, and as i stood up a tear fell on his name and in that instant i saw my future in a tear and as quickly as it came it was gone.

I miss you before you leave, my heart longs for you, and the sky itself cries.

Every time the doorbell rings i run and hope it's you.

Sweet innocence, sweet breathe of life, stripped away by the winds of time, which blow by and took you with them, my love.

As you faded I knew i would never love the same way that i loved you then, and that no one else would make me as happy or as complete as you do. so as you faded i was thrown into eternal solitude.

as you left we were just beginning to blossom, and i will never forgive myself for loving you the way i do now.

we loved, we lived, you died, life is so unfair and cruel. we were young and in love and it tore us apart, and now I'm afraid to move on with out you. you were my support and your gone, i loved you.

i live in a nightmare with all the darkness of dreams.

i wander alone as the night grows dark, missing you.

Even as a child you changed my life before i knew what the value of life was, you never left my side, even when everyone else left yours. you put me before all else, and for that i am forever grateful.

as i held you in my arms for the last time, i let you go before you let go of yourself, so that when my heart shattered into a million pieces i couldn't feel a thing.

i stay awake all night to think of ways to make the memories last.