If Today Were The Last Day On Earth.

If today were the last day on earth,
Would you spend it with me?
Would you hold me and make me believe everything would be ok?
Or would you damn me to this day alone?
The fires raging around us,
But you still keep your distance.
After all we've been through,
All I told you,
You still insist on being alone through everything.
If this were the last day on earth,
Would you scream and yell,
And tell everyone how you feel about them?
Would you finally let loose those feelings you left inside,
And tell me that you hate me,
As you seem to do?
Would you cry and sob,
Showing the side of you your to afraid to let others see?
If today were the last day on earth,
Would you smile and laugh,
Make the best of it,
And show the true you?
If this were the last day on earth,
Do you know what i would do?
I'd pluck up all my energy and kiss you,
tell you that i love you,
show you how it could be...

IF... today were the last day on earth.