Leave Me Now

So badly I would love to feel so happy
Keeping all of this makes me feel so sick
I just want to feel free

Not when I am here and trapped
Not when all of this holds me down
You say that you want more and I say that I want less

I wish that you could see
So badly that all of this hurts me
Why must you bring it up
How could a real friend put me threw this

I would never do this to you
Wouldn't even if I could
Oh so just please tell me why you do it to me

Unfortunately you can never respond
Love is what I can never feel for you
Do you hear me
Love will never be given

Oh you will never fit
Vigorously I fight
Every time it come out badly

To me you are so repulsive
Out is what I want with you
Before I can no longer take it leave
Ever and forever is how long I want you to stay gone