Her Hero

With eyes filled with admiration,
The girl watched her superman soar.
He was invincible and unstoppable,
But he’s not so invincible anymore.

Superman, Bat Man, the Incredible Hulk,
They really could not compare.
But that image of her super hero,
Faded when he was not there.

He was not there to hold her close,
Or to wipe away her tears.
She remembers how he battled monsters,
And fought away all her fears.

Now her hero is a drunken man,
He does not care what she does.
Now that she is grown up,
She misses the way it was.

He’d set her on his shoulders,
So she could see above the crowd.
They would run up and down the road,
Just to shout out loud.

She misses the way it all was,
And wishes she could change it all.
She wonders what happened to that man,
The one who’d catch her as she’d fall.

I thought I’d tell you her story,
Of how it used to be.
For her hero is my father,
And that little girl is me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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