Pretty Girl

Weary girl, weary girl, all alone:
When caught in a silent war,
Ties of spider’s silk and fears of steel
Don’t seem to stretch very far.

“Fatty girl, fatty girl,” they call.
Beneath sympathy, beyond trust, past these false layers,
Nobody cares for a girl with no voice,
And no one has an ear for a wordless prayer.

Gloomy girl, gloomy girl, all alone:
Today is the day.
Sweet shelter is long gone,
But the stars are leading the way.

“Ugly girl, ugly girl,” they hiss,
And shake their heads in shame.
They flaunt their pity, parade their certainty,
And their ignorance causes further pain.

Lonely girl, lonely girl, so afraid:
Death is proof of birth.
Pain is nothing to fear;
Live for all it's worth.

Lovely girl, lovely girl, all alone:
Carry those weapons high.
The end of the battle is near.
Be fierce; don’t cry.

“Never, girl; never, girl,” they swear,
And feel their pedestals grow.
Ignore their pushing; find strength,
Don’t let weakness show.

Pretty girl, pretty girl, all alone:
To hide weapons is an act of treason.
Don’t depend on isolation;
Hearts aren’t hidden for a reason.

Patience, girl, patience, girl, stay sweet:
Their tricks will tire.
Spider’s silk is stronger than twine,
And steel will melt with fire.

My girl, my girl, all alone:
The days will only get rougher.
Risk the rapids and nurture the fragile,
For trials make tough girls tougher.