The Day you Left Us (For Cameron)

I may not have known you well
I may not have been your biggest fan
But I loved you
Because you loved him
And you made him happy

Suicide is not the answer
It never will be
And when I found out you took your life
I shed tears
This wasn't right

He loved you
He never stopped loving you
And I know you didn't know that
You didn't believe it
Otherwise, you'd still be here

There was only one person who could save you
And that person couldn't do anything
Though he wanted to,
He couldn't
And now that you're gone, he regrets so much

He regrets not being there when you needed him most
He wanted you to know that he loved you
But how could he tell you?
There was no way
And because of this, you're gone

You left him here to die in his own misery
Your last goodbye hurt him the most...
Because he hadn't gotten in until after the matter
After it happened
The day you left us

You said,
I still love you
And I always did
And you doubted if he did too
And you said by the time he'd get the message, you'd be gone

He sobbed and weeped non-stop
It was like he was a widower
You two were in love
Knowing you were gone and that it was partially his fault,
He couldn't live with himself

It's sad...
Because he never stopped loving you...
And if you would have talked to him...
If you stayed in contact with him for those miserable two weeks of parting...
You'd still be here today

He's alright...
I thought you should know...
Even if you're up there
You need to know everything
Everything you should have known

The day you left us was the hardest day for us all
Especially him
He blames himself for your death
He blames himself for not being there when you needed him
He blames himself for not telling you how he felt

He was still completely in love with you
And his last memory with you was a fight
A fight he thought you two could overcome
But you stopped contact with him
For those two weeks

There wasn't a day that went by
When he left that he didn't think of you
No day went by that he didn't dream of being with you
No day went by
That he didn't miss you

And when he came back, he was glad
Glad to see you were at least speaking to him
After he left without any warning
He was glad you still loved him
Because there was no doubt in his mind, he couldn't lose you

The day you left us, it wasn't expected
And people wondered why you did this
Your closest friends said, "Ask Alec."
And it was all put together in his head
He didn't tell you how he was too late

He tells me about how guilty he feels
Because before he lost you,
You'd tell him about the dried up tears around you
How you'd lie on the floor and cry
And he couldn't do a thing

I know...
At this moment, he's weeping
Weeping as the blood runs down
As he becomes unconcious
Wanting to be with you

Don't worry
He'll be okay
We'll protect him
Save him from himself
Because we all know you want him alive and happy

I can see him now
Sitting there in the rain, crying
Freezing out there alone
Missing you
Looking at your picture

I know him too well
He may say he's alright
But I know for a fact that he's not okay
He's slowly dying
Killing himself inside

You won't be forgotten
I know he thinks of you every second
He feels you with him
And it makes him the tiniest bit more sane
He loves you but...

I can feel him forgetting this world
He'll go back to the way he used to be
He never talked to anyone at all
I can imagine him now
Sitting in his room, in the corner, alone

He's slowly pushing us all away
Not caring about anything else
He's dreaming...daydreaming of a different world
A world where everything's alright
And the day you left us....

He imagines that it was a nightmare
♠ ♠ ♠
Rest in Peace Cameron. I love you.