
She glances out her window,
Pitter patter, pitter patter,
She hears as she fluffs her pillow,
She watches in wonder as the raindrops grow bigger.

A smile is brought to her lips,
She closes her eyes, stopping to listen,
She remembers and reminisces,
The sounds making her happiness lessen.

She opens her eyes,
Walking over to her window,
Although she knows that it is unwise,
The feeling she has reminds her of her hero.

Her hero, the man she loved,
The one who left her life,
The emotions she had for him, she knew were too strong to get rid of,
She had wished that one day she could be his wife.

But he left with no warning,
His heart had stopped,
It was very sudden, it had happened one morning,
One minute he was kissing her, the next, he had simply dropped.
As she watched the rain fall, the feelings overcame her,
She remembered the last time she was in the rain, it was with him,
Although the memories were clear, she wished they were a blur,
He had taken her in his arms, and kissed her on a whim.

It was one of the last days she spent with him,
They stood, kissing in the rain,
Remembering this moment caused tears to brim,
The feeling she had then, one she knew she’d never feel again.

She now looked out at the cloudy sky,
A frost forming over the glass,
She wished she had another chance to say goodbye,
She traced a symbol on the window, making her gasp.

It was a simple heart,
The thing he needed the most,
But he didn’t get it before he had to depart,
She thought she could hear his voice, almost.

She stayed where she was, the tears flowing down her cheeks,
Looking at the rain, out, beyond the window,
Listening for the birds to begin their squeaks,
Knowing she had to wait for the pain to lesson, just like she had to wait to see the rainbow.