Best Friends For Never

We used to be best friends forever,
But soon, forever turned into never.
You were swallowed whole by the “in” crowd,
Do they make you feel proud?

Even though we were considered losers,
At least we weren’t like those posers!
It wasn’t our real life, just school,
But you wanted to be considered cool.

I used to call you my bestie,
But then you became testy.
You fell for their trap,
How couldn’t you see it?! It was an X on the map!

You climbed your way to the top,
Telling me to just stop.
But how could I stop being me?
It’s who I am, but you couldn’t see.

I wish that things could go back to the way they used to be,
I’m lonely and miss you, can’t you see?
I watch as you hurt yourself everyday,
Just so you can be one of them someday.

One day, you’ll see the consequences of these stupid actions,
When you’re in the hospital with many fractions.
And even though I love and miss you,
I can’t be around someone who purposely hurts themselves, sadly that being you.

So here’s my farewell,
To the friendship I used to call swell.
Although, right now, you’d never figure out that I’m the one who cares for you,
Even if you do treat me like pooh.

I hope you have fun with your posse,
Even if they are really bossy.
And I want you to remember, I’ll always be here if you need a friend,
Because that’s what we do, we’re there for each other till the end.