believers never die

because somtimes, even in our darkest days, we all need a shoulder to cry on. I don't know how to explain to you that you have everything. you are my everything. I guess all the i love you's isn't good enough sometimes.
jealousy is something that should be shot in the face, regret is something that should be left in the past, and trust... should always be there no matter what shit goes down.
i have your back no matter what, no matter what time it is in the morning you can always call. that's not going to change.
even though you think i don't....i truely love you.
I love everything about you.
can't we believe like there is no tomrorow.
love like its our last hour.

because honestly baby...there's no one like you.
your the wendy to my peter pan
now lets get away
to where we never have to grow old
to where imagination can get you through everyday.
to never never land.

because believers never die.