Summer Under Branches

Winter's cold hug has frozen the roots
of the high oak tree, whose leaves
and branches flourished to give warmth
to those who sat underneath it, sheltering
all that needed protection from harm,
and destroyed what was left of his core

Once Spring visits and exhales its
life back into the strong and idle
oak, the leaves reach out towards
the sky and welcomes only one person,
and as that person takes a seat underneath
this oak, the picture she draws define his roots

Fall's trigger slowly kills the leaves and
its colors start to change with doubt,
hoping that the girl sitting underneath the branches
stays and draws and writes, keeping the oak company
as he still stands to shelter, but as the winds grow harsher,
she soon leaves, taking Spring away

When Summer returned after the frozen
unforgiving way of Winter left, she once again
sat underneath the oak, and he continued to reach
his branches to the sky, keeping his leaves high and flowing
within the sunlight as she draws and writes, further
defining the roots he hides, mutual company