Shards On Black Days

I shatter in regret

And sing for the dead

Shards too small to put together

Voice too cracked from endless mistakes

Forgiveness rots for all I care for it will not reverse my days

Are they listening, are they crying

Why because I know I am

Just the listening takes you trying

So I shatter just instead

So many scars as like tears

And I can say that many dropped

Bleeding on black days

The shards that that let the black days stays

Don’t worry love, I only shatter not died away and then decay

Even if that would seem better

Pain I feel keeps me alive and death is mine to be delayed

Spaces spotless from my shards

For why too many have fallen

Ravens sing and Ravens mock and I am still so sullen

My black days blinded me from myself inside

When too much of me has died

Bleed black , its taint unpure

It's far to hard to endure

But now it’s shattered and I am the shards

Shards too small to put together but big enough to hurt forever
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well, i had this idea about mirrors and how when people look through and it breaks because of their ugly insides. i worked on it a bit more and did a poem on how it can break you