They Don't See

They don’t ever know
They don’t see why I bleed.
They see a façade worthy of an Oscar
They don’t see what I need.

They see a smile worth a thousand lies.
My heart’s not on my sleeve
It’s on the ground, withered and broken
And they don’t want to believe

They think that I dream big
But really, I just dream for life
I dream for painless freedom
For a death without strife

They see a bright young girl
They see a bright future
But that’s not the case
Because I’m less, not more

They don’t realize my pain
They don’t see the blood
They don’t see the shattered spirit
They don’t see the tears flood

They don’t see the lack of will
They don’t see my heart on the ground
Dirty, forgotten, and broken
I’m screaming without sound

They don’t see that I’m almost dead
They don’t see that I need to be saved
Because they don’t want to know
They were never that brave

They don’t have the courage to help
They don’t know how to catch the fallen
I’m hopeless, lifeless, and loveless
I’m going to count down from ten

In ten I will be free
Maybe then they’ll know
How much I was really hurting
That my smile was just for show

In nine they will find
My heart in my chest
It took myself to replace it
I knew what was best

Eight and I take a deep breath
They don’t know my hate
How much I dislike myself
I know I will never radiate

Seven and I start to think
Is this really the cure?
They don’t know me
What am I here for?

Six and I’m sure of my plan
They never saw the real me
My days were always numbered
They never did see

In five they will realize
What exactly I was hiding
They didn’t ever try to find
It was my time I was biding

Four and I’m almost there
Saving myself from me
I could care less about my life
Why can’t they see?

Three and I close my eyes
While two turns to one
Then I say this is for the best
And I pull the trigger to the gun.