Nasty Lies Bring Last Goodbyes

Your veins branch out vastly underneath your skin
much like spreading nasty plagues to dirty mouths.
Your lies were the lullabies
to soothe scenes of the tragic.
Small glass bottle,
it was the lie you hid from me.
Liquid intoxication,
hurtful continuating complications.
I'm tired of needing to contemplate leaving
Ugly black & blue,
I just cannot believe all this shit is true.

He said, "Sleep is for the weak",
so awake I stay with wide bloodshot eyes,
wondering when I should spit out my last goodbyes.
I am just trying to stay strong,
because you knew what you were doing to me all along.
Au revoir,
this time I will runaway far.
You call this family,
I call it never ending brutal war.