Inside My Ruined Castle

Tattered and Tarnished,
Ruined and Torn,
Seeds planted,
In a field of scorn.

Friends left, removed and forced
From a castle,
With many a wall.

From the highest tower,
The revered doth fall,
Crashing down,
Affecting us all.

Now it is only the blind that remain,
Who do not share my heartfelt pain.

Ignorant they stay,
Not knowing what lay,
Beneath the ruins that remain.

But I know the truth,
And can see through the lies,
For this,
I do not need my eyes.

In my heart,
I know I must go,
Leave these ruins I once called home.

The walls they crumble,
With each passing day,
Soon I shall,
Make my escape.

To join my friends,
Who wander as one,
To once again,
Be one of them.

But until that day,
I shall sit and wait...

Inside My Ruined Castle...