
A year ago we started talking
I opened up to you so quickly
All our secrets, loves and hates,
we're shared.
You came out to me.
I remember you were scared,
thinking I'd hate you if I knew you liked guys.
That made no sense to me, why would you think that way?
I'm a girl. A girl that doesn't judge.
A girl with a mother that taught her never to judge.
You told me how you felt,
you told me what you did.
You told me you always thought love was worth anything.
But you learned it isn't worth being hurt.
Those words stuck with me. I learned from them.
You talked me down when I would cry.
You helped me to change.
I miss you.
I want to talk again.
I want to laugh, cry, share.
You are fading from my life, like old homework assignments.
Old pictures.
Old jokes.
Old everything.
I'm still here waiting.
Call me up.
I have alot to share.
♠ ♠ ♠